އެޕިސޯޑު 30: އިބްރާހީމްގެފާނު ފަދައިން ﷲ އަށް ވަކީލުކޮށް ދުޢާ ކުރަމާ!
ދުޢާގެ މައްސަރު 30 / 30
Chefs of Hira – Cooking Challenge
A perfect opportunity to show our students’ cooking skills to the world.
Kokkomenge Sagaafathuge Therein
Helping our students to understand our culture through first hand experience.
Hira School COOK OFF!
In 16 hours, will be starting our Cooking Challenge with students from Key Stages 1-3.
Bahuruva Addu Nala Ey
ކޮއްޔާމެން އަޑައހަގެން ކޭއި މިދޭ އައްޑޫބަސް
ރައްކޯތެރި މި ބަސްކެރާއް އެންމެން ހިނގަ ދަސްކޮށްލާ